Flat Earth

I’m pretty enamored with the idea of a flat earth. I don’t believe that the earth is actually flat, I think that the traditional, round earth explanation makes too much sense, and my opinion of humanity is such that I don’t think it would be possible to keep such a massive secret for long. But what I find entertaining about flat earth theory has much less to do with the various conspiracy theories required to prop it up (which I find generally boring), and more to do with the idea of institutionalized knowledge, our willingness to question, and what I as an individual know.

Flat earth supporters are compelling due to their complete unwillingness to accept any information that can’t be verified by them personally. Ok – Institutionalized science can’t be trusted. NASA definitely can’t be trusted. Governments can’t be trusted. But you, personally, individually, can trust yourself. (I mean, and me, the maker of a dramatic youtube video explaining how any fool can see the direction of the eclipse is proof of a flat earth).

Mistrusting anything you can’t personally verify would be an exhausting way to live – but it’s worth acknowledging that there’s something deeply satisfying about thinking independently, and drawing your own conclusions. It seems to transform a person’s experience away from one who is being told about the world and existence, to one who is discovering for themselves. It’s the difference between reading a book about cooking a dish, and cooking a dish. The difference between reading about an adventure and having an adventure.

Go try to convince somebody the earth is round. Or do the opposite, try to convince someone that the earth is flat. Take any “obvious” belief, and try to prove it one way or another. Don’t let yourself off the hook. Think about it.

Then figure out precisely how lizard people were involved, make a terrible youtube video, and send it to me.

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